Software Development
Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Linux
- Linux Basics
- Hands-on Sessions And Assignments for Practice

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Python and IDEs
- Python Basics
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Hands-on Sessions And Assignments for Practice

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Databases Concepts
- Database Design & Modelling
- SQL Basics
- Advanced SQL
- Deep Dive into User-Defined Functions
- SQL Optimization and Performance
- Hands-on Exercise

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Programming in JAVA
- Programming Basics, Data Types, and Code Flow
- Input, Output, and Exceptions in JAVA
- If Statement, Loops, and Code Flow
- Functions in JAVA

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Linear search and Binary Search
- Ternary Search
- Two Pointers
- Bit manipulation
- Simple Array Sorting and its Implementation

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Sorting Algorithms
- Simple Array Sorting and its Implementation
- Sorting Using Divide and Conquer and Implementation
- Strings and STL
- ArrayList and Linked List
- Stacks and Queues
- Applications of Stack
- Applications of Queue

Topic Will Cover in Module
- REST APIs and Web Services
- Object-Relational Mapping
- Spring Boot
- Views and Database Indexes
- Multithreading

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Building a server for hosting
- MVC Introduction
- Web Architecture HTML, CSS, and
- JS Frameworks – Node.js, React / Redux
- Backend Architecture
- NoSQL Database – MongoDB

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Cloud Computing & AWS
- Elastic Compute and Storage Volumes
- Load Balancing, Autoscaling and DNS
- Virtual Private Cloud
- Storage – Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Databases and In-Memory Datastores
- Access Management and Monitoring Services
- Software Version Control using Git
- Continuous Deployment: Containerization with Docker
- Continuous Integration using Jenkins
- Terraform Modules & Workspaces

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Data Science using Python
- Python basic constructs
- NumPy for mathematical computing
- Pandas for Data manipulation
- Data visualization with Matplotlib
- Maths for DS-Statistics & Probability
- Machine Learning using Python
- Supervised learning-Linear Regression
- Supervised learning-Logistics Regression
- Unsupervised Learning And K Means Clustering
- Hire Clustering And Dimension Reduction
- Time Series Forecasting
- OOPs in Python (Self-paced)
- Python integration with Spark (Self-paced)

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking
- Footprinting and Reconnaissance
- Scanning Networks
- Enumeration
- Vulnerability Analysis
- System Hacking
- Malware Threats
- Sniffing
- Social Engineering
- Denial-of-Service ( DDoS)
- Session Hijacking
- Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
- Hacking Web Servers
- Hacking Web Applications
- SQL Injection
- Hacking Wireless Networks
- Hacking Mobile Platforms
- Cloud Security
- Cryptography

Topic Will Cover in Module
- Introduction to Product Management
- Product Vision and Measurement
- Roadmaps and Prioritization
- Understanding user stories
- Interaction with different teams for better product development

What roles will you be eligible for?
UI/UX Designer
Interaction Designer
UX Writer
UX Researcher
UX Architect
UX Strategist
Product Designer
Product Manager
Mon, Wed, Fri10-Jun-2024
10:00 AM
Program Fees
Fee ₹ 9999
GST ₹ 1800
Fee ₹ 59999
GST ₹ 10800